IT alignment is not the solution you’re looking for
Much has been said about the importance of IT alignment with the modern business. But what, if anything, does this achieve?
It has been a...
Cloud vs on-premises vs hybrid – which is best?
Service technology solutions can be deployed in several different ways. But which is right for you and which offers the security you require?
At a...
How safe is your data in the cloud?
If you are wrestling with the idea of moving your customer and application data to the cloud, there are several fundamental things to consider.
The role of ITSM in the big IT security debate
Recent events such as WannaCry and other hacking threats have caused budget holders to refocus on network and end-point IT security – but they...
Olé to OLA – the art of managing ITSM and SIAM
Flamenco may not, on first glance, have much in common with Operational Level Agreements in SIAM. But being able to successfully manage and improve...
#SITS17 – The Service Desk and IT Support Show 2017
#SITS17 - 7th - 8th June - London Olympia
The main UK show for ITSM and Service Management professionals, #SITS17, is now in build mode...
BRM + IT: the superheroes that build bridges
How the special powers of BRM can help IT to demonstrate its true value
It’s hard not to notice that Business Relationship Management (BRM) is the...
From the mosh pit to the stage – the rock ‘n’ roll of ITSM
No more just keeping the lights on, it is time for the fourth revolution and for IT to take centre stage.
The headlines being written...
Is there a SIAM-sized hole in your ITSM?
Providing high-quality IT services to the business is not an easy task.
In today’s world, where services are delivered by many different providers rather than...
Forums and social media do not Change Management make
Change Management has long been touted by ITSM vendors as one of the core pillars of service management provision.
Of course, the management of change...